Perhaps it HAS been over two months since my last post. Big deal. It has been quite a busy two months. Rather than spelling out details of every event that has taken place since October, I'll give you a quick rundown of the happenings. Maybe then you'll agree to be my friend again. :)
Parents moved into my house
I was put on a 72 hour bed rest after a medical procedure (incidentally, the same weekend as my parents moved in)
Developed a complication to said procedure
Went to ER
Admitted to hospital for 3 days
Bed rest continued
Readmitted to hospital for 5 days
Entire family came to Texas
Brother got married
Learned I was pregnant
Parents moved to Panama
Had a paracentesis a total of FOUR times. Ick.
Learned I was pregnant with twins
Had quite a few ultra sounds... babies growing right before our eyes!
Drove to our hometown for Thanksgiving
Got sick quite a bit (thanks babies)
Decorated house for Christmas
Christmas shopping
And that about brings us to now. We are very much looking forward to our holiday time with our family. As it happens, this will be my first Christmas in 27 years that I won't be spending with my parents... I feel a little odd about that, but what can I say? Life is ever changing, certainly that past two months have proved that. A friend of mine has a favorite quote (from Helen Keller I believe) that I think sums up the attitude I've had to adopt as of late. "Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all."
I can't imagine I'll be posting before January, so Merry Christmas friends, and a happy new year!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
PBS got me here
So I was just perusing through facebook,like I do, and saw a great video starring some of my Sesame Street favorites and Will I Am. I haven't had occasion to watch Sesame Street for years but it brought all the love I have for that show right back.
I grew up on Sesame Street, among the other PBS shows. We didn't have cable growing up so as far as kids' shows go that's all we had... and that's all we needed. From Sesame Street I learned how to count with The Count as well as the stressed out bellhop who always had to take people's luggage to like the 32nd floor. (Remember him?) I also learned the importance of conserving water and to this day, I call my husband a "wasteroo" if he leaves the water running needlessly. I learned that it is good to try new things ("I said I'll taste it, I'll give it a whirl, and now I am a cereal girl!) So many good lessons and memories! Below are a few smatterings for your pleasure. Incidentally, after watching these clips I realized something else I learned from the muppets, my dance moves.
(this is my new favorite song)
I grew up on Sesame Street, among the other PBS shows. We didn't have cable growing up so as far as kids' shows go that's all we had... and that's all we needed. From Sesame Street I learned how to count with The Count as well as the stressed out bellhop who always had to take people's luggage to like the 32nd floor. (Remember him?) I also learned the importance of conserving water and to this day, I call my husband a "wasteroo" if he leaves the water running needlessly. I learned that it is good to try new things ("I said I'll taste it, I'll give it a whirl, and now I am a cereal girl!) So many good lessons and memories! Below are a few smatterings for your pleasure. Incidentally, after watching these clips I realized something else I learned from the muppets, my dance moves.
(this is my new favorite song)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Warning
Below is a news clip you may have seen. It starts out like any local news story but the interviewees make it news making gold!
After you watch the real thing, enjoy this remix.
After you watch the real thing, enjoy this remix.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Is it tacky?
First of all, is this how you spell tacky?? It looks odd. Anyway for the last couple or so years I have gotten so fed up with the fact that Nathan and I do not have any great photos of us other than our wedding pictures. It's been five years, honestly, I think it's time for an update!
So my plan is to commandeer the photographer at my brother's wedding. Oh sure he and his wife will still have their time in the sun, but I think Nathan and I could just get a little half hour session in somewhere at no cost to us. It's the perfect plan! ;)
So my plan is to commandeer the photographer at my brother's wedding. Oh sure he and his wife will still have their time in the sun, but I think Nathan and I could just get a little half hour session in somewhere at no cost to us. It's the perfect plan! ;)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
On Saturday I had the opportunity to do something that I hadn't ever done before. It was fun and pretty much awesome. I'm not going to tell you what it was though because it was a bit on the wild side.
But it got me thinking about some of the "crazy" things that I've done in my life. Some were strokes of genius, others were stupid moments, but they all ended up being good times (or at the very least good stories). I will share some of these HOWEVER I would ask that you don't leave me out in the cold. Please comment and tell me at least one of your "crazy" moments. It's not fair for me to be the only one sharing my appalling secrets.
1. Streaking at some midnight hour in my parent's backyard during a rainstorm. It lasted all of five seconds... but it was great. Luckily no one caught me!
2. Trespassing into an abandoned "insane asylum"
3. The DJ at my 8th grade dance asked for my number and I gave it to him. Why? Because I didn't want to be rude. Girls at that age are STUPID! I think I may have call blocked once I got home though. What a gross guy!
4. Sledding down a very steep hill in a five man pyramid formation.
5. Nearly setting my kitchen on fire in college
6. Bridge jumping as well as cliff jumping. Those days are definitely over on account of my back issues.
7. I kissed a boy I didn't really know at a church dance out of the state. I have been questioned about this and I have DENIED IT,until now. BUT I must say that, again, I was young and inexperienced with scheming boys! I will only take 50% of the blame at the very most but that is pushing it.
8. Oh here's a good one. Mom, don't get mad :)
Senior year me and 3 friends were hanging out and we got the urge to go to the beach. By the time we had decided to do this, it was about 9 and I believe I had an 11 or 11:30 curfew (it takes 1hr 15mins to get to Padre Island). I was already out of my house so I just chose not to update my parents on the sudden change of plans.
Basically we drove there, ran around the sand dunes for about a half hour and then headed back. Really it was very harmless. I was, however, WAY past curfew. Luckily my parents were already in bed. I had scarcely tip toed back into my room when I heard my parent's bed room door open. I quickly turned out my lights and jumped into bed. My mom came in and asked how long I'd been back. I don't remember my answer, but I'm pretty sure I was vague.
9. In 7th grade someone dared me to spray perfume in my mouth, and I did. My tongue was numb the whole class period.
10. I married Nathan. ;)
*Note: All of these are way in the past and so I think the statute of limitations for any repercussions has been reached.
But it got me thinking about some of the "crazy" things that I've done in my life. Some were strokes of genius, others were stupid moments, but they all ended up being good times (or at the very least good stories). I will share some of these HOWEVER I would ask that you don't leave me out in the cold. Please comment and tell me at least one of your "crazy" moments. It's not fair for me to be the only one sharing my appalling secrets.
1. Streaking at some midnight hour in my parent's backyard during a rainstorm. It lasted all of five seconds... but it was great. Luckily no one caught me!
2. Trespassing into an abandoned "insane asylum"
3. The DJ at my 8th grade dance asked for my number and I gave it to him. Why? Because I didn't want to be rude. Girls at that age are STUPID! I think I may have call blocked once I got home though. What a gross guy!
4. Sledding down a very steep hill in a five man pyramid formation.
5. Nearly setting my kitchen on fire in college
6. Bridge jumping as well as cliff jumping. Those days are definitely over on account of my back issues.
7. I kissed a boy I didn't really know at a church dance out of the state. I have been questioned about this and I have DENIED IT,until now. BUT I must say that, again, I was young and inexperienced with scheming boys! I will only take 50% of the blame at the very most but that is pushing it.
8. Oh here's a good one. Mom, don't get mad :)
Senior year me and 3 friends were hanging out and we got the urge to go to the beach. By the time we had decided to do this, it was about 9 and I believe I had an 11 or 11:30 curfew (it takes 1hr 15mins to get to Padre Island). I was already out of my house so I just chose not to update my parents on the sudden change of plans.
Basically we drove there, ran around the sand dunes for about a half hour and then headed back. Really it was very harmless. I was, however, WAY past curfew. Luckily my parents were already in bed. I had scarcely tip toed back into my room when I heard my parent's bed room door open. I quickly turned out my lights and jumped into bed. My mom came in and asked how long I'd been back. I don't remember my answer, but I'm pretty sure I was vague.
9. In 7th grade someone dared me to spray perfume in my mouth, and I did. My tongue was numb the whole class period.
10. I married Nathan. ;)
*Note: All of these are way in the past and so I think the statute of limitations for any repercussions has been reached.
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's not all that often that you get to see your "past" self through your "present" lenses. I just had that opportunity though. I was in my email account and for some reason I decided to look through old emails between Nathan and myself. It was so funny to read what was going on in the first year of our marriage. It made me laugh. I think I may share a few examples. But you should note that at that time we were not refined and apparently we were not into proper spelling and/or punctuation. Also you should know that Nathan and I can be quite silly in our dialogues. That's on purpose.
1/26/06 Me to N
oh hello honey,
I just got off the phone with you and I just wanted to make sure that you know that I don't really think you are a growdo or a weirdo because your toothbrush is funky or because you bleed from weird orifices of your body.
When I married you , I married all of you and I love the whole package :) So don't get down, YOU ARE GREAT!
I love you honey and I can't wait to get home and see you!
REPLY N to me
I know I'm not a growdo. I do know that your the
best. and my nose isn't a wierd orifice. It's way
Stay cool
p.s. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
REPLY me to N
"stay cool" ?!
what, are we back on your mission?? :) You're a geek
2/17/06 Me To N on the matter of getting a dog
Well so far this is what I have come to decide. I really cannot get excited about getting a dog in July just because we don't know what our situation will be at that time. Will you have a job? Will we be moving, if we are were are we living, do they allow dogs etc.
I know you want a dog very badly so if you want you can go ahead and prepare to get on in July. Just know that at this time I don't feel happy or excited about that. I may change my mind, I may not. I would just feel better if we waited. That's just how I feel. In December you would have my blessing and enthusiasm, I can't promise that to be the case in July.
Those are my thoughts, I'm leaving the final decision to you. I don't think any further discussion between us is going to change my mind. I love you honey
REPLY N to me
I thank you for your e-mail honey. And I thank you
for taking the time to think about this issue. As far
as a descion goes, I will not make one now. I do want
to talk to you further about it, wether or nor it will
change your mind. This is not something that should
hurt our marriage, and if I did something without your
"blessing" then that is exactly what it will do.
We'll figure it out. I love you.
5/8/06 Me to N- Apparently Nathan was very persuasive about getting a dog
List of things WE need to get done
1. make appt w/ vet for Saturday the 13th
2. get Kya's supplies food and water bowls, food, chew toy, ID tag
3. get boxes from Jesse
4. decide if we are getting a Uhaul
5. if so, reserve the Uhal
6. Make sure that our svcs are transfered to new apt as well as call gas company
7. Call Houston temple to see if we can go on Friday
8. Prepare a Puppy Training Plan (aka the PTP )
REPLY N to me
You're fun. I think it is great we are married, so I
can have fun with you all the time.
Stay cool.
7/18/06 N to me- We were considering N taking a job with Ferguson. They did end up offering him a job... in Alaska
Ok, here are the choices for Ferguson. I found them
on the website. Austin, TX. Salt Lake City, UT. and
Medford, OR. Now remember that more than likely we
will only be at whichever place for about 9 months or
so. Check out Medford's web site and links. Like the
visitors center and stuff. We could treat it like a
nine month vacation where we have to work every once
in awhile.
8/4/06 Me to N- We were considering N taking a job at a startup company in UT with a guy named Vince or a job with Volkswagon Credit
Dear Nathan,
I want to know what the surprise now now. but also, I think I am ready for a change. Why doesn't vince need us to move up there in Sept? What about VW? where are they? Are you my mother?
But also, Matt Tingey may be calling you so you should know about that. Let him know we are debating when to get up to Arlington b/c we just don't know. but i'm going to call Erin after work and see what she thinks- and he's married to her so maybe he will know what we should do.
12/28/06 me to N- After living in UT for a few months
can't we move back to austin??? :)
And that concludes 2006!
1/26/06 Me to N
oh hello honey,
I just got off the phone with you and I just wanted to make sure that you know that I don't really think you are a growdo or a weirdo because your toothbrush is funky or because you bleed from weird orifices of your body.
When I married you , I married all of you and I love the whole package :) So don't get down, YOU ARE GREAT!
I love you honey and I can't wait to get home and see you!
REPLY N to me
I know I'm not a growdo. I do know that your the
best. and my nose isn't a wierd orifice. It's way
Stay cool
p.s. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
REPLY me to N
"stay cool" ?!
what, are we back on your mission?? :) You're a geek
2/17/06 Me To N on the matter of getting a dog
Well so far this is what I have come to decide. I really cannot get excited about getting a dog in July just because we don't know what our situation will be at that time. Will you have a job? Will we be moving, if we are were are we living, do they allow dogs etc.
I know you want a dog very badly so if you want you can go ahead and prepare to get on in July. Just know that at this time I don't feel happy or excited about that. I may change my mind, I may not. I would just feel better if we waited. That's just how I feel. In December you would have my blessing and enthusiasm, I can't promise that to be the case in July.
Those are my thoughts, I'm leaving the final decision to you. I don't think any further discussion between us is going to change my mind. I love you honey
REPLY N to me
I thank you for your e-mail honey. And I thank you
for taking the time to think about this issue. As far
as a descion goes, I will not make one now. I do want
to talk to you further about it, wether or nor it will
change your mind. This is not something that should
hurt our marriage, and if I did something without your
"blessing" then that is exactly what it will do.
We'll figure it out. I love you.
5/8/06 Me to N- Apparently Nathan was very persuasive about getting a dog
List of things WE need to get done
1. make appt w/ vet for Saturday the 13th
2. get Kya's supplies food and water bowls, food, chew toy, ID tag
3. get boxes from Jesse
4. decide if we are getting a Uhaul
5. if so, reserve the Uhal
6. Make sure that our svcs are transfered to new apt as well as call gas company
7. Call Houston temple to see if we can go on Friday
8. Prepare a Puppy Training Plan (aka the PTP )
REPLY N to me
You're fun. I think it is great we are married, so I
can have fun with you all the time.
Stay cool.
7/18/06 N to me- We were considering N taking a job with Ferguson. They did end up offering him a job... in Alaska
Ok, here are the choices for Ferguson. I found them
on the website. Austin, TX. Salt Lake City, UT. and
Medford, OR. Now remember that more than likely we
will only be at whichever place for about 9 months or
so. Check out Medford's web site and links. Like the
visitors center and stuff. We could treat it like a
nine month vacation where we have to work every once
in awhile.
8/4/06 Me to N- We were considering N taking a job at a startup company in UT with a guy named Vince or a job with Volkswagon Credit
Dear Nathan,
I want to know what the surprise now now. but also, I think I am ready for a change. Why doesn't vince need us to move up there in Sept? What about VW? where are they? Are you my mother?
But also, Matt Tingey may be calling you so you should know about that. Let him know we are debating when to get up to Arlington b/c we just don't know. but i'm going to call Erin after work and see what she thinks- and he's married to her so maybe he will know what we should do.
12/28/06 me to N- After living in UT for a few months
can't we move back to austin??? :)
And that concludes 2006!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My gift to you
I just had to share this gem. Don't say I never do anything for you. I have a few photos in mind that would fit right in on this site.
Hint: Click on the word site. I have a feeling my mother would be wondering what do do here. :)
Hint: Click on the word site. I have a feeling my mother would be wondering what do do here. :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Looking back on it, the day before our five year anniversary may have been the best celebration of our love, marriage and relationship overall. Though at the time it didn't seem that way.
Thursday, July 22:
I'm in pain again and I've just had another sleepless night. Yesterday I had an MRI so I hope that it at least shows what the heck is wrong with me. (*Author's note:MRI showed 2 disk herniations and a tear in another disk as well as a malformation in the lower spine)
I have really tried to be strong. Granted, this is easier than last summer because this is my second go round. However, in the middle of it it is so hard to see myself feeling better. Last night each new hour came and went and today is the same, with no relief. I hate feeling useless, like a prisoner in my own body. I want to get dressed and made up and go out and run errands and even to vacuum would be heavenly. At least I got out of my pajamas. I absolutely cannot stand wearing pj's all day. It may have taken 20 minutes, but I did it. That'll be my triumph for the day...
As that day wore on things did not improve. When I couldn't handle it on my own any longer I called Nathan at work. I lost any semblance of composure I had mustered before saying hello. I asked if he might be able to come home from work. I was going crazy with pain and felt like I should go to the family doctor for pain meds. I knew if we were able to get in I couldn't drive myself there. Oh, yes and I was terribly hungry but couldn't stand and walk long enough to get to the kitchen. I told him I was really sorry that I was so weak and had to ask him to leave work to come and take care of me. He said I was the strongest person he knew and he'd be home soon... He brought with him some KFC chicken strips,mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. I had about 3 bites of each and felt full.
He helped me to the couch. I didn't feel very good there, for some reason kneeling over the ottoman felt better so that's where I wound up.
I broke down...again. I told him that I just felt so gross because I couldn't even put on my cute clothes and forget about make up. I tried to do something with my hair but it seemed useless. I asked if he would call the doctor for me to see if we could go in that day. He did. We would have to leave for the appointment in about an hour's time. I told him I wanted to go back to the bedroom.
When we got there he jokingly asked if it would make me feel better if he brushed my hair and did my make up. I cracked a smile, but then said that it would actually help me feel better. He did just that. I coached him through it. "When the hair is all tangled you wanna hold it here, and then brush what's hanging down" I gave him the hair band and he put it up in a pony tail.
Face was next. He got through putting on concealer to hide the dark under eye circles, blush on the apples of the cheeks to make me look human and the trickiest of all, mascara to bring some definition to my eyes.
It did just the trick. I truly felt so much better,physically and emotionally, after he was done.
After five years of marriage and nearly ten years of just having a relationship we have definitely been through and done quite a lot. Two things I'm sure of. No matter what ups, downs or in betweens we experience, we do so together. The other is that I just can't help myself from falling in love with this man over and over again.
Thursday, July 22:
I'm in pain again and I've just had another sleepless night. Yesterday I had an MRI so I hope that it at least shows what the heck is wrong with me. (*Author's note:MRI showed 2 disk herniations and a tear in another disk as well as a malformation in the lower spine)
I have really tried to be strong. Granted, this is easier than last summer because this is my second go round. However, in the middle of it it is so hard to see myself feeling better. Last night each new hour came and went and today is the same, with no relief. I hate feeling useless, like a prisoner in my own body. I want to get dressed and made up and go out and run errands and even to vacuum would be heavenly. At least I got out of my pajamas. I absolutely cannot stand wearing pj's all day. It may have taken 20 minutes, but I did it. That'll be my triumph for the day...
As that day wore on things did not improve. When I couldn't handle it on my own any longer I called Nathan at work. I lost any semblance of composure I had mustered before saying hello. I asked if he might be able to come home from work. I was going crazy with pain and felt like I should go to the family doctor for pain meds. I knew if we were able to get in I couldn't drive myself there. Oh, yes and I was terribly hungry but couldn't stand and walk long enough to get to the kitchen. I told him I was really sorry that I was so weak and had to ask him to leave work to come and take care of me. He said I was the strongest person he knew and he'd be home soon... He brought with him some KFC chicken strips,mashed potatoes and mac and cheese. I had about 3 bites of each and felt full.
He helped me to the couch. I didn't feel very good there, for some reason kneeling over the ottoman felt better so that's where I wound up.
I broke down...again. I told him that I just felt so gross because I couldn't even put on my cute clothes and forget about make up. I tried to do something with my hair but it seemed useless. I asked if he would call the doctor for me to see if we could go in that day. He did. We would have to leave for the appointment in about an hour's time. I told him I wanted to go back to the bedroom.
When we got there he jokingly asked if it would make me feel better if he brushed my hair and did my make up. I cracked a smile, but then said that it would actually help me feel better. He did just that. I coached him through it. "When the hair is all tangled you wanna hold it here, and then brush what's hanging down" I gave him the hair band and he put it up in a pony tail.
Face was next. He got through putting on concealer to hide the dark under eye circles, blush on the apples of the cheeks to make me look human and the trickiest of all, mascara to bring some definition to my eyes.
It did just the trick. I truly felt so much better,physically and emotionally, after he was done.
After five years of marriage and nearly ten years of just having a relationship we have definitely been through and done quite a lot. Two things I'm sure of. No matter what ups, downs or in betweens we experience, we do so together. The other is that I just can't help myself from falling in love with this man over and over again.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Nice things, worries and confessions
Confession 1: I feel slightly guilty about not updating my blog for so long. I haven't even written about our awesome trip to New York!
Confession 2: My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a while now.
Confession 3: Sometimes when I see really horrible children or I see frazzled unattractive parents, I am glad that we don't yet have children. I don't know why the appearance of the parents makes a difference, but it does somehow.
Worry 1: I worry that when we do get pregnant my back will hurt so bad the whole time. I don't know if I can handle that given my history with back/leg pain. I am just at the tail end of another episode similar to last summer. At least this time I only had one night of no sleep and I knew enough to go and get some strong pain meds asap. But when you're prego you can't take strong pain meds right?
Worry 2: I worry that my friends will start giving me the fade because I'm so bad at returning phone calls. I don't mean to be that way. It's just that, for example, sometimes I can't call you back right away because my leg hurts really bad, or I'm loopy on vicadin. For some reason texting/emailing is so much easier for me. I'm trying to be better at it though. Don't fade me out just yet!
Worry 3: I get really worried when birds get too close to me. Like pigeons for instance. Birds like that. They're no good. They can poop on you, or they could try and land on you and their nasty little feet would get caught in your hair and it'd be a big scene. Oh one more confession... I'm kind of afraid of birds for the reasons stated above.
Nice things: I feel very overwhelmed by some of the nice things/people that I have in my life. I was thinking about it earlier today and it made me smile. Here are a few
My husband told me to go back to sleep after church (on account of my condition) today. During those 2 hours he prepared the house for our guests this evening. He did ALL the cleaning and folded up like 2 weeks worth of laundry that was just lying around in piles. He picked up the dog poop in the back yard and then brushed our dogs with the "furminator" so that they didn't look like mangy raggamuffins. Then when I started cooking, he stayed and helped me do that. After dinner he cleaned everything up. He's so awesome.
I left church early today because I didn't feel well. I had to find a sub to take over my sunbeam class. The lady I asked was so gracious and she just told me to go on home and feel better. I don't even know her that well.
The people I work with are so helpful all the time. Not to mention funny, smart and the type of people who have my back no matter what.
My parents are moving to Panama and while they are gone, they'll be letting us use quite a few of their things in our house.
The friends that came over tonight for dinner are friends that I have had for at least 20 years. That's so cool.
The end
Confession 2: My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a while now.
Confession 3: Sometimes when I see really horrible children or I see frazzled unattractive parents, I am glad that we don't yet have children. I don't know why the appearance of the parents makes a difference, but it does somehow.
Worry 1: I worry that when we do get pregnant my back will hurt so bad the whole time. I don't know if I can handle that given my history with back/leg pain. I am just at the tail end of another episode similar to last summer. At least this time I only had one night of no sleep and I knew enough to go and get some strong pain meds asap. But when you're prego you can't take strong pain meds right?
Worry 2: I worry that my friends will start giving me the fade because I'm so bad at returning phone calls. I don't mean to be that way. It's just that, for example, sometimes I can't call you back right away because my leg hurts really bad, or I'm loopy on vicadin. For some reason texting/emailing is so much easier for me. I'm trying to be better at it though. Don't fade me out just yet!
Worry 3: I get really worried when birds get too close to me. Like pigeons for instance. Birds like that. They're no good. They can poop on you, or they could try and land on you and their nasty little feet would get caught in your hair and it'd be a big scene. Oh one more confession... I'm kind of afraid of birds for the reasons stated above.
Nice things: I feel very overwhelmed by some of the nice things/people that I have in my life. I was thinking about it earlier today and it made me smile. Here are a few
My husband told me to go back to sleep after church (on account of my condition) today. During those 2 hours he prepared the house for our guests this evening. He did ALL the cleaning and folded up like 2 weeks worth of laundry that was just lying around in piles. He picked up the dog poop in the back yard and then brushed our dogs with the "furminator" so that they didn't look like mangy raggamuffins. Then when I started cooking, he stayed and helped me do that. After dinner he cleaned everything up. He's so awesome.
I left church early today because I didn't feel well. I had to find a sub to take over my sunbeam class. The lady I asked was so gracious and she just told me to go on home and feel better. I don't even know her that well.
The people I work with are so helpful all the time. Not to mention funny, smart and the type of people who have my back no matter what.
My parents are moving to Panama and while they are gone, they'll be letting us use quite a few of their things in our house.
The friends that came over tonight for dinner are friends that I have had for at least 20 years. That's so cool.
The end
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Kya and Pepper ran away last Saturday. Nathan had his MBA classes that day so I was home alone. I discovered a hole under the fence which at first did not look large enough for them to escape out of. When I went in the backyard though, and realized they were gone, I knew I was wrong.
The problem is that our new house is quite new. The two lots on either side of us are still empty. We also back up to an expansive green belt area which basically houses deer, raccoons and coyotes. I called up some friends to come help in the search. For three hours straight I looked for those girls. Our new neighbors were very helpful as well. One got his wiener dog on a leash and was basically using it as a bloodhound. It's pretty funny in retrospect. Anyway by noon I was exhausted and rather defeated. As I came back to a totally empty house the worry and panic set in.
I imagine my thoughts were similar to those of a parent who has lost a child though maybe not EXACTLY the same. At first I was worried I would never see them again. But then that paled in comparison to the thought that maybe they'd been hit by a car or had gotten into a battle with a pack of coyotes. I tried to comfort myself with the fact that they had their collars on, which includes my phone number. Surely someone would find them and call us. But what if they didn't call? What if they realized how great those two are and just decided to keep them? Worse yet, what if whoever found them was a horrible person and was in the dog fighting circuit and had plans to forever change their friendly personalities into unrecognizable aggressive beasts?
It was too much to handle. Eventually I fell asleep on the couch but even that was not peaceful. I dreamed that I discovered them in the back yard. At which point I actually woke up, got up and looked in the yard and of course found nothing.
When Nathan got home that evening we went out and looked in the wilderness again for about an hour and a half. It was difficult for me to actually get back to the to do list that I had originally had for the day. It was helpful to have Nathan with me again. He reminded me that we were hosting Easter dinner the next day. We decided to go and get the grocery shopping done to help take our minds off of the dogs.
About 10 minutes after coming back home, I received a phone call. The man on the line asked if we were missing two dogs. Long story short, Kya and Pepper and gotten about a mile and half away from the house. Somehow they got into this guys business building which is completely fenced off. He wasn't sure how they got in there but they were safe. Once we got there and packed the dogs in the car I was so overcome with joy I actually hugged that guy. That was pretty funny because he was like an awkward old man cowboy that doesn't know what to do when people show emotion.
We were definitely blessed that we got them back at all, let alone before nightfall that day. We pretended to be mad at them but if I remember correctly they got a pretty awesome meal of raw chicken that night.
The problem is that our new house is quite new. The two lots on either side of us are still empty. We also back up to an expansive green belt area which basically houses deer, raccoons and coyotes. I called up some friends to come help in the search. For three hours straight I looked for those girls. Our new neighbors were very helpful as well. One got his wiener dog on a leash and was basically using it as a bloodhound. It's pretty funny in retrospect. Anyway by noon I was exhausted and rather defeated. As I came back to a totally empty house the worry and panic set in.
I imagine my thoughts were similar to those of a parent who has lost a child though maybe not EXACTLY the same. At first I was worried I would never see them again. But then that paled in comparison to the thought that maybe they'd been hit by a car or had gotten into a battle with a pack of coyotes. I tried to comfort myself with the fact that they had their collars on, which includes my phone number. Surely someone would find them and call us. But what if they didn't call? What if they realized how great those two are and just decided to keep them? Worse yet, what if whoever found them was a horrible person and was in the dog fighting circuit and had plans to forever change their friendly personalities into unrecognizable aggressive beasts?
It was too much to handle. Eventually I fell asleep on the couch but even that was not peaceful. I dreamed that I discovered them in the back yard. At which point I actually woke up, got up and looked in the yard and of course found nothing.
When Nathan got home that evening we went out and looked in the wilderness again for about an hour and a half. It was difficult for me to actually get back to the to do list that I had originally had for the day. It was helpful to have Nathan with me again. He reminded me that we were hosting Easter dinner the next day. We decided to go and get the grocery shopping done to help take our minds off of the dogs.
About 10 minutes after coming back home, I received a phone call. The man on the line asked if we were missing two dogs. Long story short, Kya and Pepper and gotten about a mile and half away from the house. Somehow they got into this guys business building which is completely fenced off. He wasn't sure how they got in there but they were safe. Once we got there and packed the dogs in the car I was so overcome with joy I actually hugged that guy. That was pretty funny because he was like an awkward old man cowboy that doesn't know what to do when people show emotion.
We were definitely blessed that we got them back at all, let alone before nightfall that day. We pretended to be mad at them but if I remember correctly they got a pretty awesome meal of raw chicken that night.
When I first moved to Austin in 2003, I lived fairly far from the UT campus. Occasionally I would shake up my driving route and drive south on Lamar. When I did that, I was always grossed out as I drove by "EZ's Diner".
It looked like a dive and the marquee reading "pizza, burgers and more" did little to convince me that I was missing out on anything. Anytime I saw cars in the parking lot I'd wonder WHO on earth would eat there?? So gross.
In time, I found out. My best friend,Erin. She and I wanted to go eat somewhere and she suggested EZ's, to which I said, "YOU eat there??" I knew Erin to be of discriminating taste and have not a small amount of class so I was obviously shocked but, decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I'm sure you know where I am going with this... EZ's is now my FAVORITE restaurant. Yes, yes, I learned a valuable lesson that day. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" for if you do you might miss out on it's fantastic alamo bowl, amazing calzone trio, delectable basil chicken pasta with foccacia bread so incredible it makes one want to cry, or the out of this world, so delicious it should have shrines built in its honor, chocolate shake (made with Blue Bell ice cream of course).
When Nathan and I moved to Utah back in '06, I had to be put on suicide watch when the reality of an EZ's free existence awaited me. Surely a life without the basil chicken pasta and a chocolate shake was not much of a life at all! :)
Our time in the Salt Lake area turned out to be just a mere 10 months. The move was long and arduous. Traveling in a moving van does not make for a speedy getaway. We arrived in Austin on a Sunday. The hottest Sunday that was ever created in the history of all mankind. We had to move the contents of our van into a storage unit because the van was to be returned that very day. Our new house was still not quite ours so we were in this horrible transitional state. Being that it was Sunday, we were also reluctant to call any friends for help with the moving because we knew they'd be at church and so forth. In short, moving into the storage unit was a heinous experience. Eventually we made it to our hotel and cleaned up. The question of where to eat was no question at all.
Nathan and I ordered enough food for a family of 10. Not only had we worked up quite an appetite, but this was a reunion meal with EZ's. It's very rare, and very special. As we looked at each other across the table, he with a mouthful of cheese fries and I with whipped cream from my shake on my top lip, we knew we were home.
It looked like a dive and the marquee reading "pizza, burgers and more" did little to convince me that I was missing out on anything. Anytime I saw cars in the parking lot I'd wonder WHO on earth would eat there?? So gross.

In time, I found out. My best friend,Erin. She and I wanted to go eat somewhere and she suggested EZ's, to which I said, "YOU eat there??" I knew Erin to be of discriminating taste and have not a small amount of class so I was obviously shocked but, decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I'm sure you know where I am going with this... EZ's is now my FAVORITE restaurant. Yes, yes, I learned a valuable lesson that day. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" for if you do you might miss out on it's fantastic alamo bowl, amazing calzone trio, delectable basil chicken pasta with foccacia bread so incredible it makes one want to cry, or the out of this world, so delicious it should have shrines built in its honor, chocolate shake (made with Blue Bell ice cream of course).
When Nathan and I moved to Utah back in '06, I had to be put on suicide watch when the reality of an EZ's free existence awaited me. Surely a life without the basil chicken pasta and a chocolate shake was not much of a life at all! :)
Our time in the Salt Lake area turned out to be just a mere 10 months. The move was long and arduous. Traveling in a moving van does not make for a speedy getaway. We arrived in Austin on a Sunday. The hottest Sunday that was ever created in the history of all mankind. We had to move the contents of our van into a storage unit because the van was to be returned that very day. Our new house was still not quite ours so we were in this horrible transitional state. Being that it was Sunday, we were also reluctant to call any friends for help with the moving because we knew they'd be at church and so forth. In short, moving into the storage unit was a heinous experience. Eventually we made it to our hotel and cleaned up. The question of where to eat was no question at all.
Nathan and I ordered enough food for a family of 10. Not only had we worked up quite an appetite, but this was a reunion meal with EZ's. It's very rare, and very special. As we looked at each other across the table, he with a mouthful of cheese fries and I with whipped cream from my shake on my top lip, we knew we were home.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The Queen Bee
Last week I went through this terrible phase where my work life is concerned. I was so unhappy and I wanted to leave my job forever. Then all of a sudden, this past Monday all of that left and it has been a terrific week. I am not hating waking up, and dreading the drive to work. I am back to having a good time with my class and enjoying the funny things my students do.
I suppose to ensure that I keep up this good feeling, God inspired one of my students to write me the following letter to. I'll keep out the spelling mistakes because it's very difficult to decipher to the untrained eye. Also, my class mascot is The Bees.
"My teacher Mrs. Baumeister has two dogs. They're very fat. They're fat as a pig. (*sidenote, I've been teaching the class about similes. It's good to see it in use!)
They're fluffy as a cat. They sleep all day, unless you say treat. They eat like a fox eating something dead on the ground. (*also, we're currently doing a poetry unit. I wrote a poem about my dogs and read it to the class. I mentioned a bit about them... it's interesting what she then inferred from my information)
Mrs. Baumeister her bees work very hard. They won't stop until they get some honey from the queen of all. Mrs. Baumeister the greatest queen and teacher of all the teachers in this school."
Don't worry. I won't let it go to my head. On an unrelated note though, I would prefer to be addressed as Your Majesty from now on. :)
I suppose to ensure that I keep up this good feeling, God inspired one of my students to write me the following letter to. I'll keep out the spelling mistakes because it's very difficult to decipher to the untrained eye. Also, my class mascot is The Bees.
"My teacher Mrs. Baumeister has two dogs. They're very fat. They're fat as a pig. (*sidenote, I've been teaching the class about similes. It's good to see it in use!)
They're fluffy as a cat. They sleep all day, unless you say treat. They eat like a fox eating something dead on the ground. (*also, we're currently doing a poetry unit. I wrote a poem about my dogs and read it to the class. I mentioned a bit about them... it's interesting what she then inferred from my information)
Mrs. Baumeister her bees work very hard. They won't stop until they get some honey from the queen of all. Mrs. Baumeister the greatest queen and teacher of all the teachers in this school."
Don't worry. I won't let it go to my head. On an unrelated note though, I would prefer to be addressed as Your Majesty from now on. :)
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