Sunday, August 15, 2010


On Saturday I had the opportunity to do something that I hadn't ever done before. It was fun and pretty much awesome. I'm not going to tell you what it was though because it was a bit on the wild side.
But it got me thinking about some of the "crazy" things that I've done in my life. Some were strokes of genius, others were stupid moments, but they all ended up being good times (or at the very least good stories). I will share some of these HOWEVER I would ask that you don't leave me out in the cold. Please comment and tell me at least one of your "crazy" moments. It's not fair for me to be the only one sharing my appalling secrets.

1. Streaking at some midnight hour in my parent's backyard during a rainstorm. It lasted all of five seconds... but it was great. Luckily no one caught me!

2. Trespassing into an abandoned "insane asylum"

3. The DJ at my 8th grade dance asked for my number and I gave it to him. Why? Because I didn't want to be rude. Girls at that age are STUPID! I think I may have call blocked once I got home though. What a gross guy!

4. Sledding down a very steep hill in a five man pyramid formation.

5. Nearly setting my kitchen on fire in college

6. Bridge jumping as well as cliff jumping. Those days are definitely over on account of my back issues.

7. I kissed a boy I didn't really know at a church dance out of the state. I have been questioned about this and I have DENIED IT,until now. BUT I must say that, again, I was young and inexperienced with scheming boys! I will only take 50% of the blame at the very most but that is pushing it.

8. Oh here's a good one. Mom, don't get mad :)
Senior year me and 3 friends were hanging out and we got the urge to go to the beach. By the time we had decided to do this, it was about 9 and I believe I had an 11 or 11:30 curfew (it takes 1hr 15mins to get to Padre Island). I was already out of my house so I just chose not to update my parents on the sudden change of plans.
Basically we drove there, ran around the sand dunes for about a half hour and then headed back. Really it was very harmless. I was, however, WAY past curfew. Luckily my parents were already in bed. I had scarcely tip toed back into my room when I heard my parent's bed room door open. I quickly turned out my lights and jumped into bed. My mom came in and asked how long I'd been back. I don't remember my answer, but I'm pretty sure I was vague.

9. In 7th grade someone dared me to spray perfume in my mouth, and I did. My tongue was numb the whole class period.

10. I married Nathan. ;)

*Note: All of these are way in the past and so I think the statute of limitations for any repercussions has been reached.


Anonymous said...

Now that you've disclosed, I assume that you've repented also.

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