Friday, April 9, 2010


When I first moved to Austin in 2003, I lived fairly far from the UT campus. Occasionally I would shake up my driving route and drive south on Lamar. When I did that, I was always grossed out as I drove by "EZ's Diner".
It looked like a dive and the marquee reading "pizza, burgers and more" did little to convince me that I was missing out on anything. Anytime I saw cars in the parking lot I'd wonder WHO on earth would eat there?? So gross.
In time, I found out. My best friend,Erin. She and I wanted to go eat somewhere and she suggested EZ's, to which I said, "YOU eat there??" I knew Erin to be of discriminating taste and have not a small amount of class so I was obviously shocked but, decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.
I'm sure you know where I am going with this... EZ's is now my FAVORITE restaurant. Yes, yes, I learned a valuable lesson that day. "Don't judge a book by it's cover" for if you do you might miss out on it's fantastic alamo bowl, amazing calzone trio, delectable basil chicken pasta with foccacia bread so incredible it makes one want to cry, or the out of this world, so delicious it should have shrines built in its honor, chocolate shake (made with Blue Bell ice cream of course).
When Nathan and I moved to Utah back in '06, I had to be put on suicide watch when the reality of an EZ's free existence awaited me. Surely a life without the basil chicken pasta and a chocolate shake was not much of a life at all! :)
Our time in the Salt Lake area turned out to be just a mere 10 months. The move was long and arduous. Traveling in a moving van does not make for a speedy getaway. We arrived in Austin on a Sunday. The hottest Sunday that was ever created in the history of all mankind. We had to move the contents of our van into a storage unit because the van was to be returned that very day. Our new house was still not quite ours so we were in this horrible transitional state. Being that it was Sunday, we were also reluctant to call any friends for help with the moving because we knew they'd be at church and so forth. In short, moving into the storage unit was a heinous experience. Eventually we made it to our hotel and cleaned up. The question of where to eat was no question at all.
Nathan and I ordered enough food for a family of 10. Not only had we worked up quite an appetite, but this was a reunion meal with EZ's. It's very rare, and very special. As we looked at each other across the table, he with a mouthful of cheese fries and I with whipped cream from my shake on my top lip, we knew we were home.


Matt, Erin, Kaden, Sophia, Jack, & Leah said...

Okay, I really almost peed my pants! I love the "ode to EZ's" and you know I second all that was said! And thanks for giving credit where credit was due! (And you gave Kath a good laugh as well, they are visiting from Texas.)

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