Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is it tacky?

First of all, is this how you spell tacky?? It looks odd. Anyway for the last couple or so years I have gotten so fed up with the fact that Nathan and I do not have any great photos of us other than our wedding pictures. It's been five years, honestly, I think it's time for an update!

So my plan is to commandeer the photographer at my brother's wedding. Oh sure he and his wife will still have their time in the sun, but I think Nathan and I could just get a little half hour session in somewhere at no cost to us. It's the perfect plan! ;)


Unknown said...

well since i never got to take any bridals, i'm thinking of bringing my dress with me to the wedding, and just commandeering my own session as well ;) hahaha

Ann said...

Make sure to share the photos please

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