Thursday, December 17, 2009

All in a days work

For better or for worse, the following are just a few of the routine things that occur during a regular workday for me.

Must report by 7:10 a.m.
check email
make copies
must make sure to use the bathroom before the kids arrive, otherwise I'll be outta luck for a while.
Kids arrive....
answer questions about the assignment, the homework from yesterday about whether I like transformers or pokemon or webkinz etc.
tell kids to get back to work
help a student with the math assignment while keeping mental note of who is on task, off task, in the room, at the bathroom, in the library, at the nurse and/or at the office
tell kids to get back to work
start the lesson
teach my heart out
give an assignment after asking if ANYONE has any questions before starting the assignment
pass out assignment because no one had questions!
give all the kids who now rush at me with the assignment and all their questions the stink eye
I tell them to sit back down and figure it out. I've usually already answered their question and if they "had been listening (they) would already know what to do"
get a hug (repeat approx. 20 times during the day)
take away a student's toy due to playing with it during instruction
take same student's eraser due to playing with it during instruction
take same student's pencil due to playing with it during instruction
take same student's string due to playing with it during instruction
take same student's paperclip due to playing with it during instruction
(repeat approx. 20 times during the day)
have a total of about 10 minutes of conversation with an adult
sit down
grade papers
go home


Christy said...

haha! So fun and funny.

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