Saturday, August 1, 2009

Baumeister v. Twilight Saga

I stayed away as long as a I could. Despite hearing the rave reviews from friends and family, I had refused to get caught up in Stephenie Meyers' books that form the "Twilight Saga". It was a little irksome when the young women at church gushed over the books. It was really annoying when the girls my age went crazy over the first movie installment. I was above it, and far too busy to read a book for teenagers... famous last words.

My sister in law is a major fan. Nathan reads a ton, especially when he travels. He was looking for a new book to read before he headed out on a business trip. His sister of course gave him the first two books of the series, along with her high recommendation and so he went on his trip with some reading material. I don't remember exactly how long he was away, but when he got back he had not only read the books she loaned him, but had been so anxious to continue the story that he purchased the final two books at the airport. Of course I teased him. :)

Since I had a lot of free time in my convalescent state at the beginning of my summer break, Nathan encouraged me to read the books. Thus begun my battle. I tore through the books. I knew I would regret reading them so quickly because I wouldn't want the story to end, but I coulndn't stop myself. I had become the person that had irritated me just months before- and I didn't care!

I watched the movie and hated it. Considering that the same actors are being used for the second movie installment, you'd think I wouln't be eagerly awaiting it's debut. You'd be wrong. I have gone crazy! One day I got on to youtube to see if I could find the trailer for the next movie. You'll want to watch it so you can appreciate this next part.

I also found a video of some girls watching the trailer on the mtv movie awards (where it was first shown to the public). It made me laugh sooo hard. I would never act the way they do (at least not in front of people j/j) but it is hilarious to see the level of fanatisism they exude here. In this video you can't see what they are seeing, which is why it is important that you see the real trailer before watching this. They REALLY like the part where the character Jake is shown sans his shirt. NOTE: If you want to avoid some bad language, stop the video at 3 mins.

In short, I'd say I have definately lost my battle with Twilight. I am now a loser fan anxious for the second movie to come out- which, I'm sure I'll hate :)


Christy said...

HAHAHAHA!! That makes me laugh so hard! I remember you telling me about it and of course it makes me miss you more. We should try to see it together b/c we both will HAVE to see it and I'm sure I'll hate it too. I hated the first one. Really liked the books.

Oh, and, I think I reacted that way when I saw Jacob, I'm sorry, but there is no reason why he has to be soo much better looking than Edward. Like I said, in regards to the movies...I'm SO TEAM JACOB!!! How can one not be? Fill me in.

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