Wednesday, June 18, 2008

We're just that cool

As mentioned in a previous post, I decided to go rock climbing again. It was a pleasant surprise that there weren't too many people there, as Saturdays usually yield quite a few rock climbers at the green belt.

Nathan had arranged for us to meet up with a co-worker,Brian, and his fiance,Carissa. Carissa had never rock climbed before and said that she doesn't really like trying new things when other people are watching. I guess she felt pretty comfortable with us because just after Brian and I had gone up she decided to also. As she was up a handful of men with cameras emerged onto the scene. Turns out they are in a photography club and had come to the greenbelt for some shots. They asked if they could take a few pictures of us while we climbed. Of course we obliged.

I really love having pictures of Nathan and I but it is hard to remember to pull the camera out or to have it on me at all! Not long after the photographers arrived some of our friends from church joined us along with 2 of their friends. So what started out as a minimal group of people cheering Carissa on turned into what seemed like a walk on the red carpet. She did great though and got all the way to the top.

Nathan helped out all of us beginners by being the belayer (I don't know how to spell it but it's the person who is controlling the rope from the ground) and coach. He was very patient and helpful. I felt bad that he didn't get to climb much himself but he said that his back was acting up anyway.

So here are a few picutures that our "paparrazi" emailed to us.

Nathan and I



Me again. IS my blog.


Anonymous said...

You look like a pro!
Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Aaron said...

Wow, until you see it in pictures you think it is a myth. All white people really look the same. ;) From those angles I only knew it was you or Carissa because you said so.
I hope y'all had fun. We'll plan to take you climbing at least once while you are out here.

Anonymous said...

What a cool gig! Your own camera crew! The only thing that follows me around is my cat and she is worthless. Pics looked great!

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