Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A vacation from my vacation

Life is finally back to normal! Nathan and I just spent about 10 days in Minnesota for a family reunion on Nathan's side of the family. We spent practically every day in the lake, whether it was swimming or going out on the boat. Nathan water skiied and tried his hand and wake boarding too. The videos below are short but pretty much sum up his wake boarding experiences.

Anyway here is a link to look at some of the pictures from the trip. I'll write more later when I've got time.


Aaron said...

When you have time? What else do you have? Or did I miss the one about the new job? ;) The kids are really looking forward to your next vacation. Can' wait til you get here.

Jesse said...

at first I thought that second clip was too short to be satisfying... Untill I looked closer and realized that nathan dissapears in the last few frames. Now I can't stop replaying it. And, laughing.

JB said...

Ya, the reason it's so short is that my battery went out right at that moment, but at least I got the goods!

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