Sunday, June 8, 2008

I quit!

As the title of my post suggests I recently quit something... my job. And I'm not just talking about the summer break. I will not be returning to the school in August. Do I have another job lined up? No. Is it scary? Not yet anyway.

I guess it was just too bad for me that I started my teaching career probably at the best school in the country. In my humble opinion. It was academically challenging for the students, obviously a challenge for me as a teacher but that would be the case anywhere simply by virtue of the job. The staff was supportive, the parents were involved and made the teachers feel awesome and I felt like my work as a professional was valued and important.

After moving back to Austin from SLC the quest for a new school began. I knew that I'd been spoiled but surely I could find a place somewhat comparable. I'll spare you the gory details of my 2007/2008 school year. In summary, the first week or so left me utterly drained and dreading the next day. At the beginning of the year, an email from a former student at the "fantastic school" stating that it wasn't the same without me, in a better situation would have made me smile with sweet memories. However it made me cry over what I had left behind and it was the first time that I EVER missed living in Utah.

As the year progressed my class and I made huge strides and were able to have fun together on occassion. But it just wasn't the same. In short the end of the school year concluded "not with a bang, but a whimper." The kids were picked up by their parents and went on their way. I had decided a while back that I wasn't going to be returning but I went ahead and gave the official word to my boss on that day. She said I had until the end of June to be sure about it so not to make any hasty decisions. I thought that was a nice offer and part of me thought, "Gosh, is this the right decision?"

The answer to that question came as I drove away from the school for the last time. I heard Dr. King's words in my mind "Free at last, free at last thank God Almighty [I'm] free at last!"

It's true that the students I taught this year were more of a challenge than the previous year. I guess where most of the hardship came was, not from the students, but the lack of support I felt from the school I was at. There wasn't really a system to look to or to lean on. So yes, I do have a place in my heart for the students from this class...just maybe not for the school.


Aaron said...

As it happens, I know some people here that have contacts back into the education industry. (They taught for many many years here.) I can talk to them and ask they inquire about a job for you.
As you pointed out, it probably isn't the job, it is the environment. You need a good, supportive environment to gain confidence in your abilities and thrive. I'm sure you are a good teacher, despite being a flaming liberal. ;)

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