Monday, January 24, 2011

Flipping Out

I'm 18 weeks pregnant right about now. I have no idea if I have felt these kids move, or not. I have experienced what could possibly be baby movement or maybe not. At any rate, last week there were about 3-4 consecutive evenings where, as I laid (layed? Perhaps my friend Emily could help me on this grammatical quandary) in bed I felt these "movements". Although out loud I was telling Nathan, "Well who knows what it is, but it could be the kids" inside, I felt sure that it was.

Around Friday night I expectantly waited to feel any such thing but without any luck. It was obvious to me what was going on. Something terrible had happened to my babies! I told Nathan that I didn't have a good feeling about this new development. He assured me everything was fine. Ya, like that was going to change my mind. I persisted. I suggested that the following day I could go to one of those independent ultra sound imaging places just to make sure. I think Nathan figured that either way, I'd have to sleep on that decision so he said, "If that's what you think you need to do, then go ahead."

The next morning, (after dreaming all night about ultrasounds and babies) I went to my most trusted source of information- Google. Google told me that at this stage of pregnancy fetal heartbeats can be heard through a stethoscope! Clearly, I spent the next hour or so investigating local businesses that sold stethoscopes.

I didn't have too much luck. Most places that showed up in my search were only internet companies that shipped medical equipment/supplies from Austin. One of my friends, who used to be a nurse in Austin, informed me of a place that could work. However by the time I looked them up online, it was after their closing time, 2 p.m.

In the end I did without ultrasound or stethoscope. I'd like to say that I've calmed down a bit but in reality I think I'm just hiding it a bit better. How on earth can you not worry though?? My plan is to just stay busy until our next scheduled doctor's visit... just 16 days away. But who's counting?


Jodi said...

And that's the beginning of the rest of your life... constantly worrying about your babies. It never ends.

I would like to give some advice, but what do I now. I did find that the book "What to expect when you are expecting" was pretty helpful when I was pregnant. What does it say in there about movement at this stage? I always had a hard time figuring out if I felt any movements or not (until you are really big and it's like an entire arm comes punching out). I'm always glad when I get to the doctor and she reassures me that all is well. I'm praying for you. Pregnancy is such a crazy thing. You worry everyday until the baby comes. Good luck!

Matt, Erin, Kaden, Sophia, Jack, & Leah said...

Oh friend! You worry when they're in and you worry when they're out. I'm always here to bounce those worries off of if you need it. Can't wait for those 16 days to be over either!

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