Sunday, February 15, 2009

Janae and the terrible horrible no good very bad morning.

-Woke up with a headache.
-I couldn't decide what to wear to church. It took forever but I finally got something on.
-Felt very bad in the car on the way to church. The sunglight seemed to hurt my eyes very much and then I felt dizzy.
-Late for church.
-Parked our car somewhat close to the other car next to it. So, when I had to squeeze between the two cars my blouse button got stuck on sideview mirror and ripped off. I'm now missing a button.
-Bent down to pick up said button and in the process rubbed against the side of the car. Skirt is now dirty.
-Made it through sacrament meeting. Then I went home. Some days you just need to.


Aaron said...

How many times have I told you not to mix beer and booze on Saturday?

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