Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rounding out the year

Perhaps it HAS been over two months since my last post. Big deal. It has been quite a busy two months. Rather than spelling out details of every event that has taken place since October, I'll give you a quick rundown of the happenings. Maybe then you'll agree to be my friend again. :)

Parents moved into my house
I was put on a 72 hour bed rest after a medical procedure (incidentally, the same weekend as my parents moved in)
Developed a complication to said procedure
Went to ER
Admitted to hospital for 3 days
Bed rest continued
Readmitted to hospital for 5 days
Entire family came to Texas
Brother got married
Learned I was pregnant
Parents moved to Panama
Had a paracentesis a total of FOUR times. Ick.
Learned I was pregnant with twins
Had quite a few ultra sounds... babies growing right before our eyes!
Drove to our hometown for Thanksgiving
Got sick quite a bit (thanks babies)
Decorated house for Christmas
Christmas shopping

And that about brings us to now. We are very much looking forward to our holiday time with our family. As it happens, this will be my first Christmas in 27 years that I won't be spending with my parents... I feel a little odd about that, but what can I say? Life is ever changing, certainly that past two months have proved that. A friend of mine has a favorite quote (from Helen Keller I believe) that I think sums up the attitude I've had to adopt as of late. "Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all."

I can't imagine I'll be posting before January, so Merry Christmas friends, and a happy new year!
House of Spice. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino