Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Queen Bee

Last week I went through this terrible phase where my work life is concerned. I was so unhappy and I wanted to leave my job forever. Then all of a sudden, this past Monday all of that left and it has been a terrific week. I am not hating waking up, and dreading the drive to work. I am back to having a good time with my class and enjoying the funny things my students do.

I suppose to ensure that I keep up this good feeling, God inspired one of my students to write me the following letter to. I'll keep out the spelling mistakes because it's very difficult to decipher to the untrained eye. Also, my class mascot is The Bees.

"My teacher Mrs. Baumeister has two dogs. They're very fat. They're fat as a pig. (*sidenote, I've been teaching the class about similes. It's good to see it in use!)
They're fluffy as a cat. They sleep all day, unless you say treat. They eat like a fox eating something dead on the ground. (*also, we're currently doing a poetry unit. I wrote a poem about my dogs and read it to the class. I mentioned a bit about them... it's interesting what she then inferred from my information)
Mrs. Baumeister her bees work very hard. They won't stop until they get some honey from the queen of all. Mrs. Baumeister the greatest queen and teacher of all the teachers in this school."

Don't worry. I won't let it go to my head. On an unrelated note though, I would prefer to be addressed as Your Majesty from now on. :)
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